









在 1989 年、1992 年和2007 年分别获得北京大学理学学士、理学硕士和工学博士学位。








从1992 年开始在北京大学从事教学科研工作,2001年至今为电子学系、yl6809永利官网(2021年11月成立)副教授。目前主持本科生主干基础实验课“电子线路实验(A)”,主讲研究生专业课“信息与编码理论”和“现代通信系统”。主持和参加了多项国家 863 计划课题、国家科技支撑计划课题、国家核高基重大专项课题、国家科技重大专项课题及国家自然科学基金委项目。





国家863计划课题 :5G大规模协作无线传输关键技术研发(编号:2014AA01A704),2014年1月至2016年12月,主要参加人.

国家科技支撑计划课题:NGB运营支撑和宽带技术体系及关键技术研究与应用示范(编号:2012BAH02B02),起止时间:2012年1月 – 2014年12月,主要参加人.


国家科技重大专项课题: 宽带无线校园创新实验网体系架构与关键技术研究(编号:2010ZX03005-003),2010年1月至2011年12月,子课题负责人.

国家核高基重大专项课题:新一代同轴电缆宽带接入套片(编号:2009ZX01033-003-001-2),2009 年1月至2011年12月,主要参加人.

国家科技支撑计划课题:新一代同轴电缆宽带接入技术的研究及芯片研制(编号:2008BAH28B05),2008年10月 -2011年12月, 负责人




翻译国外教材《信息论与编码理论》(R. J. McELIECE,“The Theory of Information and Coding”,Second Edition,Cambridge University Press,2002),电子工业出版社,2004年2月出版

Selected Publications

1. Yue Qiu, Yuping Zhao, Dou Li,“Centralized power control strategy for small packet service in UMTS”, IEEE International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN), p387–391, 2016.

2. JIAO Bingli, LI Dou,“Double-Space-Cooperation Method for Increasing Channel Capacity”, China Communications, Volume: 12,Issue: 12, Pages: 76 – 83, 2015.

3. Xinyu Mao, Weiliang Fan, Zhijun Wang, Dou Li, and Haige Xiang, "Conditional single tree search sphere decoding", IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2015-Spring, 11–14 May 2015, Glasgow, Scotland.

4. Yongqiang Fei, Dou Li, Yuping Zhao, “Fuzzy Logic Resource Allocator for Wireless Video Transmission in LTE System”, IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2015-Spring, 11–14 May 2015, Glasgow, Scotland.

5. Geng Li, Kaigui Bian, Yuping Zhao, Dou Li, “On Hybrid Localization in Half-Open Areas”, IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2015-Spring, 11–14 May 2015, Glasgow, Scotland.

6. Mengfei Lyu, Feifei Lu, Dou Li, “A Modified Traffic Grooming Algorithm with High Trade-off Efficiency for Optical Network”, IEEE The 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, September 21-23, 2015, Shanghai, China.

7. Feifei Lu, Xiaoxia Qi, Dou Li, Yuping Zhao, “ A resource scheduling Scheme for uplink short-size packet access in wcdma system”, Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), 10th International Conference, 2014.

8. Xiang Gao, Dou Li, Zhiming Liu, Yuping Zhao, “ A Hierarchical Scheduling Algorithm in Improving Quality of Wireless 3D Video Transmission”, The 13th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications(IUCC2014), Chengdu, China, Dec., 2014.

9. Xiaoxia Qi,Xiao Ma,Dou Li,Yuping Zhao, “Implementation of accelerated BCH decoders on GPU”,Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP), International Conference on, 2013.

10. Enya Liu, Chao Qiao, Dou Li, and Yuping Zhao, “ON/OFF Model of Conversational Pattern in Instant Messaging System”, WiCOM2012, September 21-23, 2012, Shanghai, China.

11. Chen Xu,Lingyang Song,Zhu Han,Dou Li,Bingli Jiao, “Resource allocation using a reverse iterative combinatorial auction for device-to-device underlay cellular networks”, IEEEGlobal Communications Conference (GLOBECOM),2012 , Page(s): 4542 - 4547 .

12. Feng Wang, Dou Li, and Yuping Zhao, “On Analysis of the Contention Access Period of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC and its Improvement,” Springer Wireless Personal Communications (SCI), August 2012, Volume 65,Issue 4, pp 955–975.

13. Wu Yiling, Zhao Yuping, Li Dou, “Sampling Frequency Offset Estimation for Pilot-Aided OFDM Systems in Mobile Environment”, Wireless Personal Communications , January 2012, Volume 62, Issue 1, Pages 215-226.

14. Wu Yiling, Zhao Yuping, Li Dou, “Channel Estimation for Pilot-Aided OFDM Systems in Single Frequency Network”, Wireless Personal Communications , January 2012, Volume 62 Issue 1, Pages 227-245.

15. Feng Wang, Dou Li, and Yuping Zhao, “An Enhanced Collision-Avoidance MAC Protocol for IEEE 802.15.4” in Proc. IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference - Fall, September, 2010.

16. Feng Wang, Dou Li, Yuping Zhao, “Analysis and compare of slotted and unslotted CSMA in IEEE 802.15.4”, Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2009.

17. Li Dou, Wang Feng, Ji Bing-Hui, Xiang Hai-Ge, “Predictive multi-access channel allocation scheme in broadband satellite mesh network”, Journal of Electronics and Information Technology ,30 ,4 ,April 2008 , 763-767.

18. Li Dou, Ji Bing-Hui, Wang Feng, Xiang Hai-Ge, “The dynamic allocation of broadband DVB-RCS satellite access channel based on chaotic prediction”, Journal of Electronics and Information Technology , 30, 3, March 2008 , 607-611.

19. Li Dou, Wang Feng, Ji Binghui, Xiang Haige, “Study of predictive MAC protocol in broadband satellite access network with OBP”, Beijing Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban), 43, 5, September 2007 , 643-648.

20. Wang Feng, Ji Bing-Hui, Li Dou, “Self-similar traffic prediction based on Lyapunov exponent”, Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 30, SUPPL. 1 ,May 2007 ,101-104

21. Wang Feng, Li Dou, Zhao Yuping, “Prediction of self-similar traffic and its application in network bandwidth allocation”, 2007 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2007,1980-1983.

22. Li Dou, Ji Binghui, Xiang Haige, “The DAMA of DVB-RCS based Broadband Satellite Communication Networks with OBP”,IET ICWMMN2006, Nov. 6-9, 2006, Hangzhou, China.

23. Li Dou, Ji Binghui, Xiang Haige, “The on-line prediction of self-similar traffic based on chaos theory”, IEEE Wicom2006, Sept. 22-24, 2006, Wuhan, China.